
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Loving life with Samuel!

We needed pictures for our post placement, so we finally took a family picture with all five of us.  We will have professional pictures taken this spring when the weather warms up because we like outdoor pictures.  Samuel has a new friend Emery who is so sweet to him!  Everywhere we go Samuel gets lots of compliments on how cute he is, which I must say he is pretty cute.  His big sister and brother think so too, they are very good with him and lots of help.   He seems very happy and we love his smile and laugh.  He still stays up later than Amelia and Dalton, but is getting better.  We've been so busy lately, but he doesn't seem to mind running errands with mom, picking the kids up from school and watching his big brother play basketball.  Also, he has had to go to two different ophthalmologists because the one that was recommended could not do the type of surgery he needed on his right eye.  He needs a cornea transplant and it will improve his vision and correct it so that it will look like his other eye.  We are excited about the fact it will improve his vision, because we were told there was little possibilty of that from Colombia.  I am a little nervous, but I know it will go well since this ophthalmologist specializes in corneal transplants.  It was funny though when we went to Anheuser Busch Institute because not only was Samuel the only kid there, but I was probably by far the youngest one there too.  I was very pleased with Cardinal Glennon for his pediatrician that specializes in internationally adopted children and the other ophthalmologist who will start seeing him after surgery since the other one does not work as much with children. 

We feel very blessed to have Samuel in our family and I think he feels the same.  He has only home for a couple months, but we couldn't imagine life without him!  God is so good to have chosen Samuel to be part of our family.

 Family picture
Samuel with his friend Emery

 Samuel in his new t-shirt that says it all.
 Samuel fast asleep waiting for Amelia and Dalton to get off school.
Dalton's first basketball game! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas 2012 & Sledding

We've been so busy since we've been home I haven't blogged in awhile.  Amelia and Dalton have really enjoyed playing with their new little brother.  Christmas came really fast for us since we were gone most of November and the beginning of December in Colombia.  I am so happy though that we were able to travel before the New Year, because Samuel has had a chance to spend time with my parents, brother and sister-in-law and his cousins Alex and Maya.  He now gives them all hugs when he sees them, which they love! 

Before Christmas we went to visit my parents in Kansas City and they had snow, which meant Samuel went sledding for the first time.  He loved going sledding!  We had him bundled up good since he is still getting used to this cold weather.

For Christmas his favorite toy was a foam Jake and the Neverland Pirate's sword from his Aunt Penny and Uncle Gerry.  He carried it along everywhere with him on Christmas day.  He also loves the Christmas pajamas Penny got him and he looks so cute in them too!  He is still very attached to the Mickey Mouse I got him at the Miami gift shop on our way home from Colombia.
Samuel in his Christmas pajamas sprinkling reindeer food on Christmas Eve. Amelia and Dalton were excited for him to help, but I'm sure he had no idea what he was doing:)
 Samuel got a Mickey Mouse guitar.  He loves Mickey Mouse!
 He loved the play sword from his aunt Penny and uncle Gerry.  He carried around all Christmas day at their house.  Nana got him the cute puppy Jingle that had a read along book.
 Maya and Amelia tried making a gingerbread house from scratch, it didn't quite turn out, but they sure had fun making what they called a crumple
 Samuel's first time sledding!  He had lots of fun with daddy, Amelia and Dalton!  I had fun taking pictures and making sure they were safe!
 Amelia and Dalton love their little brother!
 Amelia is such a good big sister!  I'm so proud of how good she is to Samuel! 
 Samuel was afraid of our dog Lexie the first few days, but then decided he would make friends with her.  He follows her around and laughs at her all the time.  The kids were very excited that Samuel was giving her hugs and kisses.   I think Lexie may be a little afraid of him