I haven't posted in this blog in sometime, so since it's been exactly one year ago today we met Samuel's smiling face I thought I should do so. So much has happened this year I don't know where to begin, but we have been very blessed with Samuel and it is so amazing that God knew that he would be a perfect fit for our family! It has been a lot of doctor appointments to his ophthalmologist and 2 corneal transplant surgeries. Tomorrow morning he has yet another appointment and each time we pray we will hear good news that it is healing and showing no signs of rejection. Aside from that he has slowly liked American food more and more and sleeping better than he was the first several months, but still not as much as an average 3 year old...lol. He is a happy boy and loves his big brother and sister. He has been such a joy to our family and friends. We have had wonderful support and we are excited another family from our church is planning to adopt a little girl from Ethiopia and it will be so neat to see their journey as they wait to be matched with her! God is so good and the more I think about it the more I realize all the reasons He chose us to be his parents. He needed a mom that didn't work so she could take him to all the ophthalmologist appointments and put multiple drops in his right eye, multiple times a day and test her patience as she stayed up until 3am some nights just praying he would please go to sleep. He went beyond when He answered my prayer for a loving child, because he gives me more hugs and kisses than I could have imagined. God knew he needed a big brother and sister and two wonderful cousins, aunt and uncle and the best grandparents a little boy could have! We are so very blessed and although some say they can't believe it's been a year, I honestly feel he has always been with us. God placed him in our hearts long before we actually met him one year ago! Below is the link to a slide show with music by Audio Adrenaline called Kings and Queens and I love this song because it reminds us every child deserves to be loved!
Click on the link below to see Samuel's first year with us!
Samuel's first year with us!
We traveled to Colombia, South America in November 2012 to meet our little boy Samuel and brought him home in December 2012. He's been with us for six years now and doing better than ever.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Family Pictures
So we finally got our family pictures with Samuel! Of course he fell asleep on the way to Faust Park, but atleast he woke up and we got him to smile on the swing. We were waiting for the weather to get nice for outdoor pictures. I can't wait to pick up the prints so I can frame them and display them in our new home soon. We have had a nice summer so far visiting family, going to Minnesota with my parents, brother and sister-in-law and niece and nephew for a fishing trip. The weather was a little cool, but we all had a good time anyway. We just celebrated 4th of July in Kansas City and Samuel loved the fireworks! He also loved playing in the sprinkler with Dalton.
Samuel was sleepy in this picture, but we were able to get him to smile on the swing!
Happy at the park!
Samuel 3 years old

Amelia 10 years old
Dalton 8 years old
Cousin Maya and Amelia

Monday, May 27, 2013
Bennett Springs and Graham Cave State Park
Last week we spent the weekend in Bennett Springs. We stayed in a really neat cabin and although we go there every year it was Samuel's first year and he had lots of fun! He loved feeding the fish, playing in the water and everything else. Dalton had fun fishing and starting the camp fire. On Memorial Day we went to Graham Cave and although it was wet and not too sunny we still had fun. We also recently went to one of the kids favorite parks Indian Camp Creek and I'm sure we will be there even more this summer. Samuel is always happy and full of energy. Amelia and Dalton enjoy having a little brother and Samuel loves giving hugs and kisses. He also makes friends everywhere he goes, he has a smile that just makes people want to smile back and talk to him:)
Cuddling with Samuel.
Bennett Springs
Feeding the fish with Papi
Samuel fishing and playing in the water.Graham Cave
Samuel's first time at Indian Camp Creek
Monday, April 15, 2013
Easter Fun with Family
We spent time at my parents house with my brother and sister-in-law and niece and nephew right before Easter. The kids had a lot of fun! Easter Sunday was a beautiful day so after church we went to Quail Ridge Park and flew the kites the kids got for Easter and then they played on the playground. The weather is finally getting warmer, so the kids love it and so do we! The kids all got chocolate Easter bunnies in their baskets and Samuel loves chocolate! They had a lot of fun playing together and flying their kites. It was such a nice day!
Samuel's favorite thing in his Easter basket was the chocolate bunny! |
Cousin Maya laughing at Samuel in his bunny mask. |
Silly Bunnies! |
Samuel had fun flying the kite he got for Easter. |
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Samuel's eye looks great!
Samuel had his eye surgery (corneal transplant) a couple weeks ago and the ophthalmologist said it is healing nicely! I can tell it is doing better everyday, it was very sensitive the first two weeks. His eye will continue to heal with time, but already looks so much better. He can see better and that will improve with time too.
Samuel tuvo su cirugía ocular (trasplante de córnea) un par de semanas y el oftalmólogo dijo que está sanando bien! Puedo decir que está haciendo mejor cada día, era muy sensible a las primeras dos semanas. Su ojo seguirá sanando con el tiempo, pero ya se ve mucho mejor. Él puede ver mejor y que mejorará con el tiempo también.
Samuel tuvo su cirugía ocular (trasplante de córnea) un par de semanas y el oftalmólogo dijo que está sanando bien! Puedo decir que está haciendo mejor cada día, era muy sensible a las primeras dos semanas. Su ojo seguirá sanando con el tiempo, pero ya se ve mucho mejor. Él puede ver mejor y que mejorará con el tiempo también.
Samuel's eye before surgery |
Samuel's eye after surgery and still healing |
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Happy 3rd Birthday Samuel!
Samuel loves Cars and his favorite is Mater, so I knew of someone who makes amazing cakes and asked if she could make him a Mater cake. It turned out amazing and I love how she put his name on it and he had a little Mater cake all to himself! We had his party with family at Ashland Pizza & Pub (APP), a neat Pizza place my brother owns, and they had a band playing later that night too. Samuel loved the cake, presents and most of all the balloons! He loved all the attention! It's been so busy lately, we drove all the way there last night and had to come back because Jeff had to help a friend this morning and then Dalton has a basketball game and then a birthday party after. We are at a crazy busy time in our lives, but we are excited about all the exciting things happening. Samuel's surgery is scheduled for February 26th at 7:30am. I pray it goes well. It takes about an hour and a half and then he will have to go in the next morning to see the surgeon. It is supposed to correct it to look like his other eye and he will have improved vision as well. He is doing very well and I hope this is not too overwhelming for him, but I know he will be very happy one day we had his eye corrected.
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