So we finally got our family pictures with Samuel! Of course he fell asleep on the way to Faust Park, but atleast he woke up and we got him to smile on the swing. We were waiting for the weather to get nice for outdoor pictures. I can't wait to pick up the prints so I can frame them and display them in our new home soon. We have had a nice summer so far visiting family, going to Minnesota with my parents, brother and sister-in-law and niece and nephew for a fishing trip. The weather was a little cool, but we all had a good time anyway. We just celebrated 4th of July in Kansas City and Samuel loved the fireworks! He also loved playing in the sprinkler with Dalton.
Samuel was sleepy in this picture, but we were able to get him to smile on the swing!
Happy at the park!
Samuel 3 years old

Amelia 10 years old
Dalton 8 years old
Cousin Maya and Amelia

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