
Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 3 with Samuel

Today we hung out in our hotel room with Samuel in the morning and then we took him to the swimming pool.  He did pretty well for his first time, but it is a challenge to have a two year old at the pool.  After the pool we went back up to the room and played.  I know that's not too exciting but there is not a lot to do around here considering we are surrounded by busy streets and crazy drivers.  We found out one thing about Colombia and that is they love to honk their horns a lot, not just at other cars and motorcycles, but at bicycles and people and just about anything.  It's the opposite here than where we live, instead of drivers yielding to pedestrians, the pedestrians have to wait for an opening and walk quickly across.  Jeff has to carry Samuel everywhere when we are outside, unless we go to the nice large park area, but even then Samuel wants Jeff to hold him.  Samuel is just crazy about Jeff, I don't mind that he prefers to be held and play with Jeff, it's actually really cute how those two are together.  When Jeff is working on the computer Samuel will play with me and every now and then go up to Jeff and pat his arm to get his attention.  I think I'm getting used to speaking some Spanish, because today in our room I started to say gracias to Jeff instead of thank you.  I also must be really be missing Dalton, because I've caught myself a couple times calling Samuel Dalton:)

Tonight we went to an Italian restaurant, it's the best food we've had yet here.  Samuel has not eaten much  food, just milk, yogurt and crackers, so we were so excited tonight that he ate Alfredo really good!   This morning at breakfast I was just about sick because I took a bite of my scrambled eggs and there were pieces of egg shell, I don't  think I'll be eating eggs here again.  Eggs are very popular here, but I think I'll stick with bread and fruit from now on for breakfast.  I think like the couple that came here last year to adopt there little boy we will be going to the Italian restaurant a lot!  The waiter was also very friendly like the people in the hotel, which is nice. Samuel did not take a nap today, but he did sleep in and he loves lying on the hard tile floor in our room which is where he feel asleep tonight.  I made him a bed on the floor for him to sleep since he seems not to like the bed, we will see where he sleeps when we get home:)


  1. Samuel looks like a bundle of fun. Two year olds have alot of energy! Enjoy your time in Colombia and getting to know your sweet son. Congratulations on the addition to your family.

  2. Thank you, he is the happiest little boy! We feel so blessed and it's amazing how fast he has bonded with us and I am so grateful he had a wonderful foster family.

  3. Oh Mary Ann! Thank you for posting and telling your adoption! I get teary eyed thinking of how God has brought you together from across the world! He is a beautiful little boy and looks so joyful! I am so happy for you! I bet Amelia and Dalton are so excited to meet him and have a little brother! Congratulaitons!

  4. Thank you Annie he is a happy boy! We feel very blessed to have Samuel as our son. The kids are very excited and want to see him when we skype, but it's not easy since he is such a busy boy!
